ABC Read4Fun 

● Based on ABC’s years of experience, Read4Fun is exclusively designed for young learners in Hong Kong who learn at a fast pace

● A highly effective programme, of which learning progress is around 1.5 – 2 years faster than that of the other phonics programmes in Hong Kong / reading and writing courses on the market

● Learners completing the Read4Fun programme in few years are expected to have achieved a standard (in pronunciation, spelling, writing full sentences and passages) comparable to that of international schools

● Helps learners build up a foundation in reading and writing full sentences. An achievement that will enable them to easily tackle writing tasks (e.g. article writing and dictation) in early primary school

Applicants are assessed and placed by the centre to an appropriate Read4Fun level at any time of the year

School Fee:


1) 所有 ABC 課程均按月收費,每級課程另有書簿費(iStart Playgroup 除外)
2) iLearn Kindergarten 為一星期 3 日課程
3) iStart Preschool、iStart 及 iStart Playgroup 為一星期 2 日課程