iLearn Primary

●Double the learning pace of Cambridge English compared to the regular programme

● The outstanding English level of iLearn K3 graduates will continue to flourish at primary level, demonstrating their excellent skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing

● ABC Cambridge and Read4Fun are revised as 1.5-hour weekly programmes to cater to the busy schedules of primary school students

● Further strengthens learners’ reading comprehension skills, expands and consolidates learnt vocabulary. In 2nd term, P2 students will reach Cambridge English Young Learners Exams – “Flyers” level

● Continues to develop phonics skills with a focus on reading and writing, effectively enhancing spelling and dictation ability. Creative writing allows both grammar and language skills to thrive

●Successful applicants may join the course at any time of the year

●The admitted P1 students’ English standard must reach Movers level or above

●80% of admitted students are promoted from iLearn Kindergarten, while 20% of the students come from local Band One schools

Course Fee:


1) 所有 ABC 課程均按月收費,每級課程另有書簿費(iStart Playgroup 除外)
2) iLearn Kindergarten 為一星期 3 日課程
3) iStart Preschool、iStart 及 iStart Playgroup 為一星期 2 日課程。