ABC 傑出學生計劃 Elite Student Programme

ABC 傑出學生計劃
Elite Student Programme


  • 現讀生 及 入讀ABC超過3年或以上
  • 小學 或 中學生
  • 分享你的小故事:ABC如何 (在英語水平/辦學理念/教學方法/師生關係/升學支援等多方面) 協助你:
    • 達理想或卓越成果或
    • 曾於校內或校外獲取任何佳績及獎項


  • 每分校將挑選2名得獎者 (共12人),各獲獎學金$500
  • 當中最傑出Top 3學生,各獲獎學金$1,000
  • 有機會接受傳媒訪問
  • 成為「ABC傑出學生大使」及官方推薦人









  1. 所有得獎者會經ABC老師及職員挑選。
  2. 所以參加者必須符合以上全部申請資格,未能符合的參加者將被取消資格。
  3. 所以參加者必須於限期前遞交以上表格,逾時作廢。
  4. 所有參賽者必須遵守主辦單位所定規則,如有違規者,主辦單位有權取消任何參賽者資格。
  5. 參賽者一經報名,即同意接納比賽的所有條款及細則。如主辦機構相信有任何違反比賽相關條款及細則的行為,將保留隨時取消有關參賽者參賽及獲獎資格的權利,是次比賽亦不設任何上訴機制。
  6. 參加者必須清楚並同意所遞交的創作、短片、聲音及錄像以及所有由主辦機構錄影、錄音、拍攝的內容的知識產權(包括但不限於版權) 全屬主辦機構所有。
  7. 參加者必須清楚並同意主辦機構以及其委託的數據公司使用其個人資料 (包括但不止於姓名、電話號碼及電郵地址) 以WhatsApp、手機短訊、電郵、圖文傳真、直接來電或其他形式的傳訊方法聯絡,通知有關比賽事宜。
  8. 參加者必須無償、無限期及不可撤回地授權及同意主辦機構於獲授權機構及其授權機構的任何社交平台/網站/年報/刊物/產品/宣傳品中,播放/刊登參加者出席活動時由主辦機構拍攝及製作/修改的錄像/短片/相片/截圖,作是次計劃及獲授權機構日後的其他宣傳用途。
  9. 所有獎品均不可轉讓、可交換、可退還、可兌換現金或其他獎品
  10. 本公司保留對本條款及細則的最終解釋權,並保留對與本優惠相關的爭議及任何問題作出最終決定的權利。
  11. 我們保留更改本活動條款及細則的權利,恕不另行通知。 如有任何爭議,ABC Pathways Group 將保留最終決定權。

Terms and Conditions:

  1. All winners will be selected by Teacher ABC and staff.
  2. All participants must meet all the application qualifications mentioned above; those who do not meet the qualifications will be disqualified.
  3. All Participants must submit the above form before the deadline; submissions after the deadline will be considered invalid.
  4. All contestants must abide by the rules set by the organizer. If there is any violation, the organizer has the right to disqualify any contestant.
  5. The organizer reserves the right to make the final decision on the above activities, including changing, canceling or suspending the activities or changing the content of the activities (such as competition methods, participation qualifications, prize qualifications, prize list and prize collection arrangements, etc.) and other arrangements, and No prior notice is required.
    Once participants register, they agree to accept all the terms and conditions of the competition. If the organizer believes that there is any violation of the relevant terms and conditions of the competition, it reserves the right to disqualify the contestant from participating and winning at any time. This competition does not have any appeal mechanism.
  6. Participants must understand and agree that the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright) of the submitted creations, short films, sounds and videos, as well as all content recorded, recorded and filmed by the organizer, belong to the organizer.
  7. ABC Pathways Group, as well as the data companies entrusted by them, use my personal information (including but not limited to name, phone number and email address) through WhatsApp, SMS, email, fax, direct call or other forms of communication to contact me to inform relevant students and course promotion matters.
  8. Participants must gratuitously, indefinitely and irrevocably authorize and agree to the organizer to broadcast/post the participant’s attendance at the event on any social platform/website/annual report/publication/product/promotional material of the authorized organization and its authorized agencies. The videos/videos/photos/screenshots shot and produced/modified by the organizer at that time will be used for this project and other future promotional purposes of the authorized organization.
  9. All prizes are non-transferable, exchangeable, returnable, redeemable for cash or other prizes.
  10. ABC Pathways Group has the opportunity to post your sharing on ABC Pathways Group’s social platforms for promotional purposes.
    The Company reserves the right of final interpretation of these terms and conditions and reserves the right to make the final decision on disputes and any issues related to this offer.
  11. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of this event without prior notice. In case of any disputes, ABC Pathways Group will reserve the right to make the final decision.


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